Wildlife Artist - Martin Ridley

Images of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)


As you can see golden eagles are one of my favourite subjects, my spirits are lifted whenever I see an eagle. The first painting was created using a very limited colour palette. I only used burnt sienna, ultramarine and white. As an exercise it was very interesting as the resulting painting was still a very close representation of the natural autumn colours.

Eagles are able to soar for long periods of time with little effort. They catch rising masses of warmer air, which carry them upwards in a spiral fashion.

Golden eagles circling above the Paps of Jura
Circling Eagles over the Paps of Jura

Original oil painting
image 20 x 30 inches
£2550  Sold

Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)

This huge bird of prey has a wingspan of 6.5 to 7.5 ft (1.8 to 2.3 m) MALE 3.5-4 kg (8-9 lb.) FEMALE 4.5-6 kg (10-14 lb.). Only the white-tailed eagle is larger in the United Kingdom. Golden Eagles are are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks. Immature birds can be recognised by the presence of distinct white patches on the under-wing and by a large white tail with dark band. Golden Eagles are extremely fast in the air, and can dive upon their prey at terrific speeds.

Original oil painting of a golden eagle hunting red grouse by Martin Ridley
Golden Eagle & Red Grouse, An eagle swoops in on a covey of red grouse

Original oil painting
image 36 x 48 inches
Sold 17/2/22 Currency Converter

Original oil painting of a golden eagle hunting red grouse by Martin Ridley
Glen Affric, Golden eagle

Original oil painting
image 12 x 32 inches
Sold 17/5/21 Currency Converter

Original oil painting of  a golden eagle over Ben Halton
"Narrow Escape" Golden Eagle and Mountain Hare, Ben Halton, Comrie

Original oil painting
First painting in the series "Survival - Golden Eagle versus Mountain Hare"
image 34 x 54 inches
£13350 Sold Currency Converter

Hunting Golden Eagle - Oil Painting by Martin Ridley. Eagle chasing winter mountain hare over snow.
"Heading for the Gully", Golden Eagle Chasing a Mountain Hare

Original oil painting
Second painting in the series "Survival - Golden Eagle versus Mountain Hare"
Created with the help of eagle reference material supplied by Jiayi Chong
image 26 x 46 inches

Currently on exhibition - John Muir Trust, Pitlochry

Martin Ridley oil painting of Slioch by Loch Maree in winter with snow. Two golden eagles soar on the wind.
"Slioch", Golden Eagles

Original oil painting
image 30 x 40 inches
SPECIAL COMMISSION Sold 15/12/19 Currency Converter

Oil painting on canvas of a Golden Eagle over the Sron Riach Ridge, Ben Macdui in the Carngorms National Park. Scottish Mountain Pictures
Golden Eagle over the Sron Riach ridge, Ben Macdui

Original oil painting
image 36 x 50 inches
£14750, Sold 7/7/13 Currency Converter

Golden Eagle in Flight - Oil Painting by Martin Ridley
Golden Eagle and Deer Paths

Original oil painting
image 24 x 36 inches

Glen Coe prints.
Circling Eagles over Glen Coe Print

Eagles are a very important part of the environment. As hunters they keep animal populations strong. They do this by killing weak, old, and slower animals, leaving only the healthiest to survive. Golden eagles prefer to attack upwind, which increases both their ability to control speed and maneuverability. They also feed on carrion, which unfortunately sometimes results in death from poisoning.

Shop Items

Golden eagle print from an bird of prey oil painting

Golden Eagle

Available as a canvas print or a framed print

Paps of Jura Golden Eagles Picture by Martin Ridley

Limited edition giclee print reproduced from an original oil painting
Prints are signed by the artist
The prints are on Somerset Velvet watercolour paper (100% cotton, acid free)

View from the Paps of Jura to Islay with circling golden eagles - Print from an oil painting by Martin Ridley.

Circling Golden Eagles

Available as a canvas print or a framed print

Paps of Jura Golden Eagles Picture by Martin Ridley

Canvas prints reproduced from an original oil painting
The prints are on heavy weight canvas with a matt laminate surface